Saturday 11 August 2012

EDST555 Biology Assessment 3

Blog 2

Alice Zaslavsky is a geography teacher in Melbourne. 

In 2012, she taught her students and Australia a lesson in responsibility and integrity that they will never forget. 

Being in the final elimination round of Masterchef, she had the choice of avoiding elimination by using her hard-earned immunity pin. By doing so, another contestant, Beau, would take her place and face elimination. 
Fighting back tears, Alice spoke of 'another lesson' she had to teach her students, and that was ' You don't have to step on others to win'. 

She refused to use her immunity pin and cooked her heart out. She was not eliminated and made it to the finals. 

Alice taught her students values on TV. It was not in her classroom, or by looking at maps or how people lived in other countries. 

Please take two minutes to watch the clip below: 

Teachers have a role to teach students and in my opinion, these values of responsibility and integrity can be taught anytime. When  a teacher throws her recycling in the recycling bin, someone watching may be inspired to follow suite. 
When she doesn't break down and swear when ICT doesn't work and she is left red-faced, she teaches about how to handle difficult situation. 
And in Biology, and in particular 8.3, when she handles microscopes and materials with care, uses only what is required of the materials, and removes waste materials appropriately, she is teaching about respect for the dignity of life, and the responsibility we have towards the environment. 
8.3 is about the details of the cell structure, and even though it doesn't present the world's most controversial debate like genetic mutations or stem cell research would, a biology teacher can still teach about these values with leading by example. 

Alice used Masterchef as a medium to achieve this. What medium will we use? 

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