Sunday 16 September 2012

Week 7 Assessing a website


'Assess one useful web site that you would use for a practical activity for your Syllabus point.' 

Gone are the days of endless hours in a library. Nowadays, it's all about the web. As a teacher, it's very important to be able to assess websites. 

In this blog I will focus on dot point 8.4.7 which states
Students learn to 'process and analyse information from secondary sources to evaluate the effectiveness of quarantine in preventing the spread of plant and animal disease into Australia or across regions of Australia'. 

I have chosen the above website to assess

Quarantine is something we think about when we are coming home from an overseas trip, grinning at the thought of our friends' reaction when they see 'what we brought with us'. It's also something we think about when we watch Border Security, and shake our heads in utter disbelief , when we see what other people bring in the country.
When it is 'us' bringing in products, it's upsetting and frustrating when QUARANTINE come to say hello and investigate.
When it's others, we shake our heads in revolt. Why? Because often, we (me included before ACU), didn't understand the implication of what we are bringing into the country.

It's not because others smuggle in drugs and bird eggs, but the ignorance of what can be on the same goods that we are binging in from overseas.

I think including quarantine in the biology syllabus is  very relevant as Australians are a nation who loves to travel. It is important to protect our country from invading armies- armies of bacteria, viruses, parasites and even animals that can affect our environment. Who can forget the devastating effect of the Cane toad, brought into Australia in 1935 to control sugar cane pests?

During my prac, I walked into a biology lesson and was surprised that weeks before the HSC the students were watching border patrol. I now realise that this is actually part of the syllabus. It is important to understand why the government spends millions of dollars to quarantine what comes into the country (If only they could manage all funds well, like not cutting millions of dollars out of the education system, but that's a different debate). 

The above website is valid, reliable and robust. 

It is from a reputable source ( It is not sponsored by a company, nor is it written by a person. It is the work of a body of professionals, who need to adhere to strict guidelines.

It is rich in information. It outlines the work the officers do at the airport, what one can or can't bring into the country, and provides valuable advice (to plan ahead). It lists goods that can't be brought into the country. 
There is a link to download the full document with the relevant details. 

It also has some Australian history and trivia, to make it more interesting. I think the website will be better appreciated if it's looked at with another website about the effect of the cane toad in Australia. Students need to read about the devastating effect of introducing species to better appreciate what quarantine is about. 

Thank you.
Silvana Gittani.

Please note I will comment on Joanne Shalala. 

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