Friday 19 October 2012

Final Post (100 words)

Blogging may help develop students’ study skills and their research skills. Blogging is writing in the public domain. This can encourage networking, commitment to goals and development of confidence in writing. It facilitates critical and reflective thinking skills.

Blogs can also be a public platform for the synthesis of ideas. Blogging may support the development of study and research skills, such as time management, academic writing and communication. 

In a senior biology class, teachers need to make blogging a task the student can enjoy doing, and relate it to the outcomes. Commenting on other students’ posts may be of benefit.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Silvana for your insightful blog!

    Yeah it's our final blog.. it's a relief and a little emotional at the same time! I completely agree with you that teachers need to make blogging something were they can enjoy and see a benefit in doing, becuase there are many benefits for the student, student-student relationship and student - teacher relationship. The best bit about blogging is it provides teachers with an overview of where the student is in terms of their own understandings of biology and if necessary, the teacher and other studetns can assist everyone without being too confronting or overbearing.
